As usual got him something from Mont Blanc but this time round it was something not planned for.
The story went like this.... When I first saw the Mont Blanc Iphone casing online, it was love at first sight... So I searched high and low for it BUT it was always out of stock, the salesperson told me that it was out-of-stock worldwide and Sony Errison bought the entire batch for I don’t know what reason. Such a big disappointment, I think I probably searched for at least 6 months... I even left my contact details at the boutique hoping that they would call me once the stock arrived. Yup, and that was how hungry I was for the casing... Funny I know I sound, but I really wanted it. It just add-on to it when Bunny told me that his boss has a luxury Iphone casing and he was considering one as well (to show off). That gave me more reasons to get it for him. One week before his birthday I went shopping alone, went into many boutiques taking a look at all the options for his presents. The LV Iphone casing was the best alternative to the Mont Blanc one but it was out of stock at Ion and I have to head over to Takshimaya to get it. Frustrated, but since I was at Takashimaya, I hopped into Mont Blanc boutique bearing no single hope that I will buy anything from there. Lo and behold, when I was browsing at the leather section, something caught my eyes and it was the Iphone casing. I couldn’t believe my eyes and asked the salesperson was it the Iphone casing that I am holding on. I got the answer that I wanted and yes, without any hesitation I got it for him. I grumbled and complained why didn’t they call me when the stock came in and he said something that really threw me off “if you are fated to have it, you will” which I thought its quite true to a certain extend. Remember those times when I went to many boutiques having the intention to buy something BUT everything that I wanted were out-of-stock. It just made me hopping mad, but it just kept me thinking, maybe I am not fated to have it YET.