Friday, October 31, 2008

I'm so bored and decided to do some online quiz...

Do you need to get a life?

1. Where do you see yourself living 10 years from now?

-In a bustling city, like New York, Paris or London.
-Not too far from the rest of my family – same state/province or same city.
-In my parent’s basement.

2. You have the chance to go backpacking off the continent with your friend in the fall, but you’re going to have to work your butt off all summer to afford it. What do you do?

-I’d work my butt off and get the heck outta here!
-I’d work as hard as I could, but may hesitate about spending my money on a trip.
-I wouldn’t do it. I’d rather stay in my own backyard, thank you.

3. What did you do last weekend?

-I went out on the town.
-Spent time with me, my sweats and the TV.
-Hung out at a friend’s house.

4. You talk most often to:

-Your family and friends.
-Your family and friends, and maybe a few strangers you meet here and there.
-Your pet or yourself.

5. Do you like to try new things?

-I love trying new things! Every chance I get to experience something new I jump at the opportunity.
-Every now and then I like the exhilaration of trying something new.
-I don’t like trying new things because I know I probably won’t like them.

6. In your opinion, change is:

-Occasionally annoying but necessary.
-An exciting adventure.
-Something that should be avoided, like the plague.

7. The furthest you travel to on vacation is:

-The mailbox.
-Another state/province.
-Another country/continent.

8. What’s your life’s dream?

-To travel the world and experience the beauty of every culture.
-To be successful and have a family.
-To own every episode of the Partridge family on DVD.

9. Your computer is:

-The first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing before you go to sleep – if you sleep.
-That thing collecting dust in your basement.
-A great source of entertainment when you’re bored on a rainy day.

10. What’s the one thing you’re most looking forward to this weekend?

-Checking out that new hangout or movie that just opened.
-Hanging out with friends and relaxing.
-Catching up on all the TV shows I TiVoed this week.


According to your results, you totally carpe diem – you seize life by the proverbial horns. You know that there’s more to life than sitting on your butt all day watching the paint peel. Therefore, you don’t confine yourself to the limits of your four walls or a 17 inch computer screen – you spread your wings and soar to far off places to experience new things. There’s so much to see and do – and you want to do it all. Hey, life is meant to be lived to the fullest and you’re not about to let it slip by and go to waste.

But I feel I need a life.... Can't wait for the semester to be over...

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Welcome to the uncensored diary of Bel.In this page you will experience all the ups and downs of Bel and get to know her better...So I hope you guys will like it and share your thoughts with me too...*sealed with a kiss*