Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I have an addiction and I seriously think I need to kick it... It is TAKING AFTERNOON NAPS... Not that taking afternoon naps is not good but I think that with the time that I use for sleeping, I can do something more useful, like studying (like as if I will really sit down and study.. :p) haha... Sigh... Others might take an hour of power nap BUT me? 4 hours and I'm still feeling tired. Such a waste of my time... Yes, I'm so going to KICK it, starting from today...

My block is going through some upgrading process right now, they are fixing the lift at my doorstep. So now, everything is so dusty, even my dog is dusty.. Can you believe that? Goodness... As I'm typing this, they are fixing up the structure of the lift thingy and goodness, it really looks like some kind of "Lego" thingy. Seem so flimsy, hope it doesn't collapse or something... *Keeping my fingers crossed*

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